+ embryosophy +
free your ass and your mind will follow
left hand paths
right hand paths

+ vibecamp DJ sets +
+ podcasts +
listen to me talk to people about stuff
Ta’al and I discuss how costuming is more than just child’s play.
22 mins, 9/9/24.
Emily Interviews me on The Ick: Season 2. We do a deep dive into the science and somatics of our sense of touch, exploring the mechanics and subtleties of the human body, particularly our bones. Plus, we adjust our hair a lot and even make a meme!
30 mins, 2/22/24.
Ta’al (@taalumot) and Hap (@touchmoonflower) and I talk about the place where we lived in the country, before wildfire took everything we every owned and changed the course of our live irreparably. Grieving out loud and in community in this way has been a beautiful part of our process, and is helping me feel integrated about the most difficult experience of my life.
In a meta sense, I have a much deeper understanding of what it is to have or not have a home, and how deeply interwoven safety is with personal and collective identity. It is all so beautiful and fragile.
23 mins, 1/2/24.
Home Funeral Stories 02: Gradual Goodbye
Hap (@touchmoonflower) and I talk to Jane (@joespurpleshirt) about cricumventing the funeral industry to honor the life of his late mother Mary with a home funeral. It turned out to be one of the most beautiful, powerful experiences of our lives.
138 mins, 11/25/23.
Ta’al (@taalumot) and I discuss bodies. What even are they? Where are their edges? This episode is short and sweet and JUICY and it blasts off deep into inner space so fast it makes my own head spin, whatever my own head is.
The recognition of consciousness permeating everything that I am is me bodying, or me becoming embodied in more common parlance.
22 mins, 6/26/23.
River Kenna (@the_wilderless) and I discuss all the things my aphorism “free your ass and your mind will follow” can mean, including everything from fostering more balanced pelvic mobility to turning unconscious conceptual frameworks on their heads.
34 mins, 4/20/23.
Jane Miller (@joespurpleshirt) from Ecdysis Bodywork and I talk everything somatics. We discuss the difference between body-centered and brain-centered cognitive models and how this affects our movement choices, how somatic movement differs from performative movement, and how those interested in helping professions like somatic therapy can support others in their healing processes with integrity.
1h 38m, 1/2/23.
Nick and I discuss how embryology underpins my philosophy, the brusque beauty of NYC, my relationship to my husband, our homestead and the wildfire that destroyed it, how to breath properly, yoga for desk bodies, supporting joint health, somatics, Burning Man, vibecamp, and community.
1h 47m, 10/15/22.
Gabe (@vividvoid_), Ashley Colby (@RizomaSchool), Jason Snyder (@cognazor) and I interrogate spirituality. What even is it?
1h 29m, 7/18/22.
Tasshin (@tasshinfogleman) and I discuss how I found my yoga and somatics vocations, nonduality (whatever that is), play, and tantra. Featuring a guest appearance by my sweetie Touch Moonflower (@touchmoonflower).
1h 54m, 11/23/21.